November 1-8: Digital Scrapbooking Days

by Joanne James1. November 2013 20:38

Tomorrow 2nd November is Digital Scrapbooking Day over at, but Stampin' Up! is celebrating not just tomorrow but for eight days, starting today!

Every day from today until the 8th November, Stampin' Up! is offering a digital download at 50% off - here's the full list if you would like to check them out:

  • 11/1 Amped Up Ampersands Kit
  • 11/2 Hello There Kit + FREE Moments Ago Stamp Brush Set
  • 11/3 All Time Fave Photobook Template
  • 11/4 Modern Medley Overlays Kit
  • 11/5 Be Brave Pocket Cards
  • 11/6 Nobody’s Business Photobook Template
  • 11/7 Autumn Traditions Kit
  • 11/8 Afternoon Daydream Kit

I'll feature a link to each of the discounted sets via my blog every day, but remember - they are valid for one day only; don't delay in visiting my online store to purchase yours!

Here's the link to today's kit set, the 'Amped Up Ampersands' kit - so useful for both cards and scrapbooking: 

If you'd like to see some great projects made using this set, hop on over to to see what the designers there have been creating. Pop back tomorrow when there will be a FREE download to celebrate Digital Scrapbooking Day, in addition to another 50% off deal.

Until then, happy stampin!

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My Digital Studio | Promotions | Scrap Booking

Afternoon Picnic Birthday Card PP169

by Joanne James31. October 2013 23:15

A late post from me today and it was supposed to be all about Halloween, but as I'm behind this week and the current Paper Players challenge ends tomorrow, I need to have a switch around so that I can link up today's card. This week's challenge over at The Paper Players is a sketch by the lovely Ann Marie - here it is:

I love sketch challenges as you know and I've actually used this layout for several card designs this week (still in the making and not blogged yet, in case you're thinking you haven't seen them!) The card that I'm going to link up though is the one that is most 'true to sketch' and is actually the birthday card I designed for my Mum - here it is:

Now it's not my Mum's birthday until Saturday, so I'm taking a chance here, but as she rarely looks at my blog I think I'm safe! I took the inspiration for my colour scheme from some of the papers in the Afternoon Picnic DSP stack and it was an opportunity to use a colour that I rarely do: Wisteria Wonder. I actually had some out on my desk as I've been using it for another project recently, but must confess it's a colour I don't find myself drawn to. I love the idea of lilac, but I find too much Wisteria Wonder rather overpowering. Here I've tried to temper that by using a Very Vanilla background and making good use of Pear Pizzazz, the other main colour in the patterned paper. I used my Stampin' Write markers to colour the flower from the 'Oh Hello' stamp set, which so looks like the flowers that you see in this paper stack and I used an embossed strip across the centre of my card because whilst I think it would have looked nice with a strip of chevron ribbon, I wanted it to be post-friendly and I like the way the embossed dots again echo the pattern of the paper.

So that's my card. I may well share some of today's Halloween makes with you tomorrow (call it early planning for next year!) Whilst I don't tend to go in for Halloween cards and as my regular readers will know, I haven't featured a single Halloween project, one of the things that is really big in the James household is pumpkin carving. Each year we try to grow our own pumpkins in the garden and this year we managed to grow four, two of which were the biggest ever! Our record breaking pumpkin was 1.38m in circumference and weighed 17.9kg - only 2kg lighter than my 6 year old son!!! The children and I spent the happiest of days today carving all four of our pumpkins, so I thought I should share some pictures with you:

 This is Rebecca's pumpkin, that she carved herself:

This is Ben's pumpkin, that he too managed himself for the first time this year:


And lastly here are both Ben and Rebecca, with our two 'monster' pumpkins, the largest of which was big enough for a double Monsters University-inspired carving:


Not a piece of cardstock in sight, but very creative, nonetheless! I'll be back tomorrow with another project, meanwhile why not pop over to The Paper Players and see what the designers and other participants have done with the above sketch? Until tomorrow, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up Supplies Used:

My Digital Studio Thank You Card

by Joanne James28. October 2013 22:00

Today I have something a little different for me and for you: a card created using My Digital Studio. I have been using it more and more lately, not as a substitute for my more traditional cards, but as a useful addition to my crafting repertoire. I decided that I would create the thank you cards that went out with the last batch of my customer orders using MDS to show just how easy it is to create a simple card. Here is my finished card:

I decided upon a simple design and used only elements that come with the standard MDS offering. I chose Pool Party, Smoky Slate, Midnight Muse and Whisper White as my colours and chose a snowflake-type shape as I really am all about Christmas at the moment! I used a light drop shadow on my Thank You sentiment, just to give it some dimension and lift and I even added rhinestones; you could of course add the real thing post-print, but I wanted to show my customers what they could achieve with just some Whisper White cardstock, MDS and their imagination.

I'm quite pleased with the result, not least because it took no time at all to create and once done I could print sheets of them at a time - so much quicker than hand stamping and great if you need to produce a lot of cards and are short on time. Some of my customers have been having great results with MDS with several of them printing their own DSP to make traditional cards and also some lovely hybrid examples. I keep forgetting to take my camera whenever we have card class so end up without pictures that I can share with you. I've left a reminder in my calendar for next week's classes though, so hopefully I'll get better! If you haven't already downloaded a copy of My Digital Studio, I can thoroughly recommend it; just click on the picture icon below and start creating.

Well, we survived the stormy weather here in the UK today, although many have not been as lucky. A friend of mine had two enormous trees uprooted in her garden and my brother-in-law had something of a challenging journey into and out of the city today due to the chaotic transport situation. We stayed indoors for much of the day, venturing out only for a spot of lunch and for Ben to shoot hoops (not a day goes by when this doesn't happen!) I for one am thankful for the lovely new front door we had fitted at the James residence last week, which is doing an excellent job of keeping the drafts out.

Back tomorrow with a very bright birthday card (sunglasses required!); until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up! Supplies Used: 

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Cards | My Digital Studio

Mosaic Bauble Thinlit Card and Punch Tip Video

by Joanne James26. October 2013 22:16

We have had a lovely day today; we've stayed indoors out of the howling winds and had some family over for Sunday lunch. It's been lovely to spend time with my brother- and sister-in-law, nephew and niece, as we don't do it nearly often enough with the busy lives we all lead.

As promised, I have another Thinlit card for you today, this time with a Mosaic Madness bauble design - take a look:

I created a simple 'layered' bauble using a circle punch and the mosaic punch, then layering by raising the outer circle on dimensionals and creating a ribbon hanger. Here's a close-up of my bauble:

For a greeting on this card, I used a pair of sentiments from the 'Petite Pairs' stamp set, stamping one half on a layered label on the front of the card and the other half on the reverse of the flipped circle:

Lastly, are you wondering what punches I used for my raised sentiment label on the front of my card? Here's a closer look:

No, it's not a new label punch or two, I actually used my Mosaic Punch to create them! I'm all for making your tools work harder for you and this punch is great for creating labels as well as straight forward mosaic shapes. I shot a short video to show you how to make these labels; I actually made it a while ago, but didn't make a card to go with it, so haven't shared it until now. This also explains why the stamped pieces I used in the video are not the actual ones you see on today's card. If you're feeling confused, just watch the video - it will all make sense! Here's the link:

Just to recap on the measurements in the video: I recommend the narrow label is a maximum of 1.5cm in width, and the wider label 3.0cm in width. Either label can be of any length. I hope you found the video tutorial useful.

Lastly, don't forget, you have only until 11pm tomorrow night to order any of the 25 stamp sets that are 25% off - for details on the stamps on offer, click here.

Back tomorrow with another project; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up! Supplies Used:

Best of Christmas Santa Thinlit Card

by Joanne James25. October 2013 19:45

Apologies for the lack of blog posts for the last couple of days: Hubby has had a few days off so with him and the children, I've rather had my hands full! Yesterday however I had a largely child-free day as the James juniors were at Grandma's so, whilst the kiddies were away it was definitely an excuse to play and catch up on some crafting! Today I'm going to share my first Thinlits card with you, featuring the jolly Santa stamp from the 'Best of Christmas' anniversary set:

 I kept the card design quite simple as I wanted the detail on the santa stamp to take centre stage. I coloured him with markers and a blender pen, adding a little Dazzling Details to the fur on his hat for a little sparkle. Here's a close up: 

I then cut him out using the scalloped circle framelit that is one of the pieces that comes with circle thinlit set and adhered him to the card base. A little DSP on the back panel just finishes the card off.

So what do you think? These cards are so easy to make - they take just minutes to cut and roll and have lots of fun extra pieces in addition to the card body. I have another thinlit card to show you tomorrow, with a little video too, so I hope you'll pop back then and take a look. Already prepared as we have family coming for dinner tomorrow, so there will be little time for crafting. Hope to see you tomorrow; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up! Supplies Used:

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Cards | Stamping

Merry Monday - Deck The Halls

by Jason James22. October 2013 21:30

I'm having a fun week at home with the James juniors this week, but it isn't leaving much time for crafting! Once we've finished our holiday homework we should be able to do some crafting together, which will be nice; I have a few Halloween things planned which I should be able to share with you in due course.

This week's Merry Monday Challenge is #80 'Use Music or a Carol Inspired Card' and having seen the great inspiration cards, I was keen to have a go. Here's my card:

I made a simple card where I cut out a circle using my Circle Framelits to reveal the 'deck the halls' stamp on the inside of the card. I decorated simply with some punched holly tied with baker's twine. I finished the punch berries with some Crystal Effects to add a nice shine (it looks much nicer in real life!) and scored the centre of my card panel using my Simply Scored borders plate to add some texture and interest to the Baked Brown Sugar card front. A simple card, yet I have this urge to break into song: Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, la la la la! I love Christmas time.

With all of yesterday's news, I didn't get round to sharing the link to this week's new digital downloads, so here it is:

October 22, 2013

There are some fun autumn pocket cards and some recipe layouts, along with a variety of different Christmas stamps to take a look at. The free trial for MDS is still available to download, so if you haven't already why not take a look - it will open up a whole new avenue of crafting to you.

Back tomorrow with another card; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up Supplies Used:


Thinit Card Framelits Are Here!

by Joanne James22. October 2013 20:58

For my second post today, I am delighted to announce that the new Thinlit Card Dies are here and available in my online store NOW! If you've ever made a 'flip' card the long way, you will love these new framelit dies - they make making cards like this a breeze!

Here's one made by one of Stampin' Up!'s designers:

Label Card Thinlits Die

This is how it opens ...

The whole thing can be created in minutes by running your chosen cardstock through the Big Shot with the Thinlit layout of your choice - there is both a circle and label layout to choose from. Both sets come with a variety of additional pieces to add to your creativity, either on your flip cards or can be used separately with other cards and projects - this is what they look like:

Stampin' Up have produced a great video showing the Thinlits in action; take a look:



Aren't they great? I'm looking forward to sharing some of my creations with you in the coming days and weeks; if you can't wait and need to order either of the framelit sets now, then pop along to my online store or give me a call today - at only £29.95 they are great value and offer endless possibilities!

I'll be back tomorrow with a card to share; until then, happy stampin'!



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Cards | Promotions | Shop Online

Birthday Box In A Jiffy!

by Joanne James21. October 2013 20:22

So following the excitement of yesterday's Christmas banner class, I'm back down to earth with a bump today with the first day of the half-term holiday for both James juniors and madness and mayhem about to ensue for the next two weeks! I will do my best to keep up with my blogging as there will be lots to share this week, not only in projects but also news: the 25th October is Stampin' Up's official 25th Anniversary day so there will be more announcements and special offers to share by way of celebration.

Today's project involves some stamping but is another 3D project - some clean and simple packaging for a birthday gift. As my regular blog readers know, I love the variety of packaging options that are available in the current annual and seasonal catalogues: bags and boxes in all shapes and sizes that turn gift-giving into an art form, but needn't take hours of time, effort or expertise to achieve. For my niece's birthday, I had a couple of awkward-shaped gifts that were just asking for a box to be wrapped in - the new extra-large gift boxes in the seasonal catalogue were just the thing. For the decoration, I took my inspiration from the seasonal catalogue and this is where I ended up:

Using my Melon Mambo marker pen and inkpad, I created a 'faux ribbon' by stamping one of the stamps from 'Really Good Greetings' directly onto the box, all the way around on four sides, then finished off with a double bow in some vintage Melon Mambo designer paper and a co-ordinating tag made using one of the Chalk Talk framelits and finished with a polka dot paper border.

 This box took no time at all to decorate, yet I love its simplicity. It seemed to hit the spot with its teenage recipient too - always a bonus! I'm linking today's post up with the team at CAS-ual Fridays where the challenge theme this week is 'Tags and Bags' CFC118, as this is about as CAS as packaging gets! Why don't you pop over to their sit and say 'hi' and look at the great projects that they are showcasing this week.

Lastly, today is the last day to take advantage of Stampin' Up's 'Join for £25' offer - you have until 10.50pm GMT this evening to sign up online if you would like to take advantage of this great deal and becoming a member of my growing team of Crafty Owls - I would love to welcome you to the parliament (that's the name for a collective group of owls, in case you didn't already know!) Just click the link from the 'Join My Team' section on the right hand side of the page.

Come back tomorrow for some very important news from Stampin' Up - I can't tell you what it is yet, but you are definitely going to want to hear it so be sure to call by for tomorrow's updates. It's going to be a busy Tuesday; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up Supplies Used:

 Big Shot Die-Cut Machine - by Stampin' Up!Gift Bow Bigz L DieExtra-Large Gift BoxReally Good GreetingsMelon Mambo Classic Stampin' PadChalk Talk Framelits Dies

Melon Mambo Patterns Designer Series Paper -- Digital Download


Festive Flurry Merry Monday Challenge

by Joanne James18. October 2013 21:06

I know, you're probably thinking 'Merry Monday? It's only Friday!' I'm not wishing away my weekend, far from it. Rather today's card is another Christmas card made with the challenge over at Always Playing with Paper in mind. The challenge was to use blues, grey/silver and white and snowflakes:

I've been wanting to use a sketch layout I saw over at the Paper Pal Arts site a little while ago; here's the card I made:

I used Pool Party for the base of my card and layered with Island Indigo and Smoky Slate and some of the Winter Frost DSP for the top layer. My design is anchored with a lovely Festive Flurry layered snowflake , which is stamped Whisper White on Pool Party cardstock for the first layer, Island Indigo on Whisper White for the second layer and then Metallic Silver on Whisper White for the top layer, finished with a single Island Indigo candy dot - I love these! Here's a close up of the snowflake, with the shimmery metallic silver finish (that is very difficult to photograph!):

This photo shows the build of layers of the snowflake - this set is so good for this and the framelits make cutting out so easy:

I finished the inside by stamping this verse from the Christmas Messages set:

As of today the James Juniors are on half term for two weeks. We have lots of homework to do, but I am relieved to be having a break from some of the challenges and routine of school life and looking forward to having fun with some pre-Christmas activities of our own. I'm also looking forward to another of my special project classes this weekend; I have a group of lovely ladies coming to make Christmas banners using the Build a Banner kit. Check out my Facebook page tomorrow if you would like a 'sneak peak'; otherwise I will be sharing the completed banners next week.

Back tomorrow with another project; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up Supplies Used:

 Big Shot Die-Cut Machine - by Stampin' Up!Festive Flurry Clear-Mount BundleMagnetic PlatformChristmas Messages Clear-mount Stamp SetWinter Frost Designer Series Paper Stack

Island Indigo Classic Stampin' PadWhisper White Craft Stampin' Pad - by Stampin' Up!Silver Metallic Encore PadRegals Candy Dots



Sunshine and Rainbows - Retrosketches #85

by Joanne James17. October 2013 21:51


I managed to grab a quick hour of crafting today in between other jobs and as I debated with my self whether or not to brave the washing line or resort to the tumble dryer, the sun broke through the clouds and I had a sudden flash of crafting inspiration for this week's sketch at Retrosketches. So instead of my planned post, I thought I'd sneak this one in before the close. Here is the inspiration sketch:

Here is my interpretation of the sketch:

I have been so 'in the zone' with Christmas cards that I've been struggling to look at sketches and think about anything else. I think we can all agree that this card couldn't be further from Christmas if it tried! It cheered me up no end though - yellow is one of my favourite colours. I used some retired 'sunshine and sprinkles' DSP (eliminating the and a row of coloured overlapping circles to create a rainbow border in place of the scalloped edge. The perfect background for one of the 'Feel Goods' stamped sentiments, along with the sunny yellow of course.

Lastly, a quick reminder: only 4 more days to take advantage of Stampin' Up!'s incredible joining offer where you can sign up and receive all the benefits Stampin' Up! has to offer for just £25. Click here to read more details about this rarest of offers - I would love to welcome you to my team.

Back soon with another project; until then, happy stampin'!



Stampin' Up! Supplies Used:

 Feel Goods Clear-Mount Stamp SetMarina Mist 3/4 Chevron Ribbon

3/4 Inch Circle Punch - by Stampin' Up!White Bakers Twine - by Stampin' Up!Daffodil Delight Classic Stampin' Pad

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Cards | Stamping

Sale-A-Bration 2025

It's time for Sale-A-Bration 2025! Shop, host and earn benefits between 7 January - 28 February. Download your copy of the Sale-A-Bration brochure here!

Mini Catalogue


New Year, new products - the new Stampin' Up! Mini Catalogue is here! For more details and to download your copy click here

Shop Online

Access my online shop 24 x 7, 365 days of the year:

Current February hostess code:


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Join My Team

And when you join during Sale-A-Bration, new team members can build your starter kit by choosing £130 worth of products for only £99 + free business supplies + free shipping and either TWO Stampin' Write marker sets and the exclusive Handmade Designs stamp set OR an additional £30 in FREE products. Stampin' Up! has something for everyone: join my growing team and benefit from my support to enjoy Stampin' Up! however you choose.

If you're interested, call me for a chat to understand how I can help you realise your goals. Alternatively, if you have already decided to sign up and you just can't wait, please click here for the link to the online form where you can sign up and order your starter kit right away! 


Stampin' Up! has introduced a new range of 12x12" scrapbooking product and kit - the full range is now available to purchase online. To download a copy of the new digital Scrapbooking Catalogue click here.

Latest Kits!

Stampin Cut and Emboss

The Birthday Bash Kit is just one of the latest kits in the online store - get yours here!

2024-25 Annual Catalogue


Click on the image to download your copy of the 2024-25 annual catalogue. For a full list of current SU! supplies, go to my online store. If you would like any help or advice, please drop me a line at or give me a call on 07773 421446 - I'd be happy to help.

New Online Exclusives

There are new products available exclusively in the online store from 7 January - check them out here.

About Me

Hi I'm Joanne and live in Northampton and when I'm not looking after my husband and two beautiful children, am an avid crafter with a passion for all things Stampin' Up!

I must confess that I have never been a big rubber stamper - until I discovered Stampin' Up! that is. I love the fact that I can get such great results with co-ordinating stamps, inks, papers and punches - the possibilities are endless! Join me on my stamping journey as I share the things I love and be inspired to create amazing things yourself!

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Box Builder

Click the button above to use Box Buster to create your custom box design using the Envelope Punch Board!

Kits Collection Now Available!

Stampin Cut and Emboss

The new Kits Collection from Stampin' Up! is now available!

Click here to see the current kits available and order yours online today.

I Design For




Stampin' Up Stuff

This is my personal blog and is not endorsed by Stampin’ Up! I hope you find it a plentiful source of ideas and personal inspiration but please don't copy my designs for contest submission or use for classes, publication or sale without express permission.

DSP Special Release

Check out 3 popular designer series paper designs in fresh new colourways! Available exclusively in the online store from 3 December - check them out here