Welsh Daffodils for Easter!

by Joanne James1. March 2014 20:16

Today I've had the kind of day where I feel like a true working mother - my 'to do' list is reaching epic proportions and I seem to be rushing from one thing to the next and am welcome for the break that sitting down to write my blog today has given me: and breathe ...!

Well being Welsh, there's only one thing I could share with you today: March 1st is St David's Day, the day that celebrates the patron saint of Wales, so it had to be a card featuring the national flower - daffodils. The first time I saw the Petite Petals punch I knew it would make great daffodil petals - it was the perfect shape. I've seen a few examples in blogland - the first one of which I think was by Jackie Topa - but today I'm going to share my version with you. So for working mothers everywhere and Welsh people at home and abroad, Here's today's card:


I stamped the petals in Daffodil Delight onto the same colour cardstock using the spotted flower stamp just to give some pattern, and made the trumpets by using a flower shape from the Itty Bitty Punches which I formed by scrunching around the rounded end of my paper piercing tool. here's a close up of the flowers so that you can see what I mean:

I cut some stems and leaves using the edges of my large oval punch and my paper snips, and mounted these onto a piece of Whisper White cardstock that I background stamped with the large colourwash stamp from the Happy Watercolour set to add some interest. I edged this piece with yellow for definition and mounted my decorated piece onto a Gumball Green card base. I decided to make my card into an Easter card and stamped my sentiment in Whisper White kraft ink and set it within a horizontal line that I drew in with my chalk marker.

I used this week's sketch layout at CAS(E) this Sketch for my card this week and was delighted to see that the challenge over at Less is More this week is to use yellow and green on your card - perfect!

Back tomorrow with another project; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up! Supplies Used:

Table built using Product Table Builder by The Crafty Owl - Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.




Comments (18) -

Kathy James
Kathy JamesUnited Kingdom
3/1/2014 10:58:45 PM #

What a lovely bright and cheerful card.  Happy St David's Day!

Joanne James
Joanne James
3/2/2014 8:57:19 PM #

Thanks! Seemed appropriate to make daffodils today! xx

ElaineUnited Kingdom
3/1/2014 11:05:12 PM #

This is a beautiful card.

Joanne James
Joanne James
3/2/2014 8:57:38 PM #

Thank you Elaine x

3/2/2014 6:15:44 AM #

A lovely spring card, just perfect for St Davids Day.  Great daffodils

Joanne James
Joanne James
3/2/2014 8:58:11 PM #

Thanks Skye - the daffodils were fun and really easy to make.

Jan Thompson
Jan ThompsonUnited Kingdom
3/2/2014 10:01:52 AM #

Fabulous card xx Jan

Joanne James
Joanne James
3/2/2014 8:58:34 PM #

Thank you Jan - glad you liked it. xx

AnneUnited Kingdom
3/4/2014 7:21:48 AM #

Super spring colours and daffodils!
Thanks for joining this week’s Less is More Challenge
(Guest LIM commenter!)

Joanne James
Joanne James
3/4/2014 4:16:27 PM #

Thanks Anne. Great colours this week - I think we could all do with a little Spring here Smile

Carole Sweeney
Carole SweeneyUnited States
3/5/2014 12:28:14 PM #

Sensation... bright and cheery card

Joanne James
Joanne James
3/7/2014 11:09:39 AM #

Thanks you Carole - glad it brightened your day!

Leigh Penner
Leigh PennerCanada
3/6/2014 12:57:23 AM #

Lovely card! Wonderful take on the sketch!

Joanne James
Joanne James
3/7/2014 11:10:08 AM #

Thanks Leigh - I can see me using this sketch lots!

Chrissy L
Chrissy LUnited States
3/6/2014 2:58:35 PM #

Gorgeous!  This makes me want spring to just get here already!

Joanne James
Joanne James
3/7/2014 11:10:39 AM #

Thanks Chrissy, me too - Spring can't get here soon enough!!

Jen Nelson
Jen NelsonUnited Kingdom
3/6/2014 8:07:37 PM #

great card
Thanks for joining us this week
Jen xx
Less Is More

Joanne James
Joanne James
3/7/2014 11:09:11 AM #

Thanks Jen - lovely to see you back in the game! xx

Comments are closed

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Hi I'm Joanne and live in Northampton and when I'm not looking after my husband and two beautiful children, am an avid crafter with a passion for all things Stampin' Up!

I must confess that I have never been a big rubber stamper - until I discovered Stampin' Up! that is. I love the fact that I can get such great results with co-ordinating stamps, inks, papers and punches - the possibilities are endless! Join me on my stamping journey as I share the things I love and be inspired to create amazing things yourself!

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