Everything is ... Awesome! Lego Movie Punch Art

by Joanne James25. February 2014 10:11

Today I have something special to share with you! As my regular readers know, I  live in a house of Lego! Well, not literally, but Lego is a big part of our family life - we have a massive brick collection and I have a 6 year old whose ambition it is to be a master builder someday. Either that, or a brain surgeon so that he can earn enough money to fund his ever-expanding Lego collection! Last week was half-term here which neatly coincided with the release of the first ever Lego Movie - a set built entirely from Lego that tells the story of the 'ordinary' builder Emmet who is mistaken for the chosen Master Builder and whose destiny is to prevent the world of Lego being glued together by the evil Mr Business. Of course the first of our half-term excursions was to the cinema to watch the new movie and Ben at least was not disappointed - he sat 'glued' to the screen throughout.

I decided to create another Lego punch art card to celebrate the release of the new movie and add to my collection (you can see some of my previous Lego punch art here). Here is my card:

Whilst Emmet is possibly the most ordinary of the characters, my card had to incorporate him as he is central to the movie. I used this week's layout over at The Paper Craft Crew PCCCS081 for my card and split Emmet's catchphrase in the movie, 'Eveything is awesome' across both the banner and the word bubble. I printed the 'Everything is' on my computer and matched up the colour to print it in Pacific Point, then stamped the 'awesome' by partially inking one of the stamps in the 'Yippee Skippee' stamp set. I used lots of different punches to create my minifigure and drew on some of the detail by hand with either my Stampin' Write black marker or my white gel pen and used a piece of pacific Point Brights DSP to add colour to the background without overwhelming the focal point.

I love creating this kind of card, although they really do take an age to make - a real labour of love. It was all worthwhile though when Ben took one look at the finished card and declared it "Awesome!" and promptly burst into Emmet's 'Everything is Awesome!' song from the movie.

Back tomorrow with something a little more traditional; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up! Supplies Used:

Table built using Product Table Builder by The Crafty Owl - Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.


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Cards | Punch Art | Stamping

Rainbow Butterfly Wall Art

by Joanne James29. December 2013 13:00

As you will have guessed if you read yesterday's post and saw my 'sneak peek', today's post features butterflies - quite a few, in fact! Ever since I saw this piece of wall art by Fiona Duthie on Pinterest I've wanted to have a go at creating a version of my own. Butterflies have a special meaning to one of my best and most dear friends and she is also someone who loves home décor, so I decided to create this piece as a Christmas gift for her. Here's my finished piece:

The finished piece measures 50cm x 50cm (approx. 20") so is a definite statement piece. I used a variety of colours across each of the Stampin' Up! colour families, including in-colours, along with one or two retired colours too. I wanted to give a full rainbow spectrum of colours, particularly given the size of the piece.

For the butterflies, I used the Beautiful Wings Embosslits to make the butterflies as opposed to a punch, as I wanted the texture that the embosslit provides - here's a closer look:

You could quite easily create a similar piece using one of the butterfly punches and it would be equally effective. I'm so pleased with the finished piece - it was quite tricky to photograph, but I hope you can get a sense of the movement it gives - it is so colourful and dramatic. 

This is a nice early post from me today as I'm out with friends this evening on a cookery course, in an attempt to master the art of Indian cookery; it's the second one that hubby and I have attended (I'd like to say it's because we want to expand our repertoire, but it might just be that we need the practice - I'll have to get back to you on that!)

Back tomorrow with another project; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up! Supplies Used:

Table built using Stampin' Up! Product Table Builder from The Crafty Owl.





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3D Projects | Punch Art

Round Hexagon Football Punch Art Card

by Joanne James17. November 2013 19:43

Another lovely day today, despite the miserable grey weather. I spent the morning at the swimming pool watching Rebecca train, followed by piano practice for both James Juniors, then lunch, more swaps for convention, a trip to the garden centre and then an hour or so in the garden planting some late winter baskets and pots and refilling our bird feeders - we are even more keen to look after our feathered friends this winter, as we have a new blue tit who seems to have made his home in our bird box and uses it every night to sleep in.

So, on to today's card! Yesterday was my nephew's birthday. He is now 11 years old (where did that time go?!) and another football-mad boy. Having just recently acquired a hexagon punch, I was keen to have a go at making a football as I've seen lots of cards like this on Pinterest. I was so pleased with the result I decided to make it into a shaped card using the largest of the circle framelits:

I simply punched the black and white hexagons and stuck them in a pattern onto Gumball Green card, then cut this out with a circle framelit and mounted it on the largest circle framelit, having cut this one by folding the card and cutting out just above the edge of the circle to create a hinge. A simply sentiment from the hostess set 'Express Yourself', some linen thread and done. Another simple yet effective card, with a definite masculine feel.

Back tomorrow with another project; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up! Supplies Used:


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Cards | Punch Art

Overweight Santa?!

by Joanne James13. November 2013 21:37

A quick post from me today, to share a card I made earlier in the week. The sketch over at Freshly Made Sketches last week really appealed to me, however whilst I had a few rather obvious ideas as to how I could use it (an ornament, a snowflake) I wanted something really unusual. So here is the sketch:


So here's what I did with the sketch:


I figured it really looked like it could be part of a santa suit, but for a santa who's eaten one too many mince pies, as his belt doesn't quite do up around his middle! The sparkly glimmer paper buckle adds some lovely 'bling' and a simple white embossed 'Merry Christmas' sentiment for the finishing touch.

I was too late to link this card up to the challenge, but I'm really happy with my final output.

Come back tomorrow for another project; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up Supplies Used:


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Cards | Punch Art

Audi Thank You Card

by Joanne James11. November 2013 21:29

Evening folks! I'm back following a couple of blog-free days. It's been a busy weekend, starting Friday evening with Billy Joel in concert (hands down one of the best gigs I've ever attended!) and followed by the annual bonfire and fireworks display on Saturday night (also good, so I'm told, but as I was busy working serving hot dogs I didn't get to see much of it myself). Yesterday was more of a day of catching up, rather than a day of rest, and today we're back to it!

Today's card has a story behind it; I haven't done one of these for a while, but this is one I want to share. So firstly, here is the card:

Classically simple; I made the card to say thank you to the salesman who sold us our new car - any guesses as to which brand? So here is the story! We were looking to trade in our Land Rover, having owned two and deciding that even a change in ownership of Hartwell, our local dealer, hadn't improved the shocking after sales service provided there so buying a third one was definitely not an option. Buying a car should be a pleasurable experience, right? I have to say, after trudging round our local showrooms one Saturday recently, I was seriously beginning to wonder. I was genuinely amazed at the number of car salesmen, and women, who either ignore the potential customers walking into their store or were frankly just not interested in assisting with specific requests for brochures or more information. We visited Volkswagen, Mercedes and Ford dealerships amongst others and we were utterly underwhelmed in each. There were two garages who offered exceptional assistance and service: one was Nissan. Whilst they didn't have a car that met our main car requirements, they were very helpful, so much so that when our second car reaches its anniversary we are now seriously considering trading it in for the new Nissan Leaf all-electric vehicle - and I never thought I'd hear myself say that!

The second one was Audi. We almost didn't visit, given the reception received elsewhere that day, as we had no real designs on owing an Audi and we rather fed up with the whole thing. yet the minute we walked through the door and were greeted by Seb, all that changed. We were introduced to Douglas, one of the sales managers and from there on in the experience was just how I imagined it should be. He worked with us to identify the vehicle most suited to our requirements and arranged a variety of test drives. We eventually purchased a car feeling as if we had done something special and very much that we had been helped to buy the right car for us rather than being sold a car - a subtle, but important, difference. I'm told that sales at the Audi Northampton dealership are outperforming those of rival dealers in the area; based on the service we experienced, it's not difficult to see why. As a thank you to Douglas, I designed the above card, completely with interlocking Audi rings on a brushed silver and Pacific Point blue background, to echo the colours of our new purchase.

We are quick to share the stories of poor service and sales experiences (go back to the start of this post for some of mine!) yet we do not always go to the same lengths to share the good news stories. Well, this card is as a result of one of mine, so if you're reading this and in the market for a new car, now or in the future, what can I say - you could do a lot worse than visit Northampton Audi - in case you couldn't already tell, I'm their newest fan!

Back tomorrow with a Christmas card for this week's Paper Craft Crew sketch challenge; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up Supplies Used:



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Cards | Punch Art

Golfer's Punch Art

by Joanne James22. September 2013 20:09

Today I've a quick post to share the second of the cards I made for my Dad's birthday. This one was from the grandchildren - a classic punch art card, which is fitting as he's a keen golfer:

This card took no time at all to make - the most complicated thing was creating the dimples on the golf ball with my Simply Scored stylus, hardly time-consuming!

In between playing golf, my Dad is also a keen gardener and has kept an allotment for many years. For some time now, he and his fellow allotmenteers have been plagued by a once tame pet rabbit gone wild, which is eating large quantities of their carefully tended crops. Ben thinks the whole thing is fascinating and spends much of his time hatching plans to catch the rabbit and discussing their merits with Grampa. Ben is utterly convinced that he is going to be the one to catch the rabbit; if he ever succeeds, I'll let you know!

Back tomorrow with another project; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up! Supplies Used:

Small Oval Punch, Simply Scored, Stamp-ma-jig, For my Family (retired), Brights DSP (retired)


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Cards | Punch Art

IPod Punch Art Birthday Card

by Joanne James11. September 2013 20:00

A quick post from me today, as I'm still recovering from last night's 'Mosaic Madness' card class. Today's card is a punch art birthday card. When trying to decide what kind of card to make for this discerning young male teenager, I decided it had to have something to do with either bikes, skateboards or music. So a quick search for inspiration (gotta love Pinterest!) and I decided on a punch art iPod. Here's my finished card:

I must confess I don't actually own an iPod, so I hope it's sufficiently true to design to be recognisable! Either way, it's the thought that counts, right?! I hope so, as this was also belatedly delivered; but both I and the recipient were on holiday on the day itself, so mitigating circumstances I think!

Hope you like it; back tomorrow with another birthday card. Until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up Supplies:

Stamps: Happiest Birthday Wishes (retired)

Cardstock: Whisper White, Pacific Point, Basic Black, Basic Grey, Brights DSP (retired)

Ink/Stampin' Write Markers:  Pacific Point

Tools: Circle Punches (various), Corner Punch

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Cards | Punch Art

More Angry Birds!

by Joanne James29. August 2013 07:21

Today it's time for another Angry Birds birthday card - well, it must be at least a few weeks since I shared the last one! This is another card I made a while ago for one of Ben's friends, who is officially Angry Birds number one fan! I took my inspiration from a tiered birthday cake I saw on Pinterest and decided on a bird tower with a pig on top. Here is the finished card:

I decided to make the features 3D to add interest and character to the faces. Just as I was punching the pieces for the final piece, the green pig, which I had absolutely intended to be a king pig, complete with crown, I had a visit to my craft room by young Master James who came to check on progress. He politely asked what I was doing, then announced, "Oh no, Mummy - it can't be a King Pig; it has to be a Grandpa Pig - they are Zak's absolute favourite!" A quick consult of my Angry Birds Visual Dictionary and some minor modifications, and Grandpa Pig was born. Check out the moustache: 

That has to be one of the best things about making your own cards - you can make exactly what you want and it can be completely personalised to the recipient, even if the requirement isn't always known until the last minute!

Back soon with another project; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up Supplies:

Cardstock: Marina Mist, Real Red, Daffodil Delight, Gumball Green, Whisper White, Basic Black, Tangerine Tango, Cajun Craze

Tools: Itty Bitty Punch (circle), Owl Punch, 1" Circle Punch, 3/4" Circle Punch

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Cards | Punch Art

Pop Up Lego City Fireman Birthday Card

by Joanne James11. August 2013 21:36

A busy weekend of birthday celebrations in the James family this weekend: yesterday my brother-in-law celebrated his 40th birthday (I was back too late and had drunk too many cocktails to blog when I arrived home yesterday evening; I will share his cards later in the week!) and today was my 'baby' the not-so-little Benjamin's 6th birthday.

I had something of a quandary when trying to decide what kind of card to make Ben; I needed something special but this birthday featured so many of the things that he loves that choosing was difficult. One of the things that he really wanted for his birthday was a Lego City Coastguard Patrol boat - he loves all kinds of Lego, but his first and enduring love is for the fire brigade - the only reason this wasn't on the wishlist is because I think he must own every mortal piece of the Fire Department and then some! His big sister bought him a Lego City Fire Chief alarm clock for his birthday and this ultimately became the inspiration for my pop-up card. This is the card from the outside:

A Lego brick number 6 (lots of glue dots used to get the pins on the bricks just right!). Then on the inside, this cheery little fellow:

I used my Pop 'n' Cuts base and modified my dress form insert to accommodate my fire chief mini figure in front of his desk. I am very pleased with how he turned out and doubly so when Ben opened it this morning and deemed his card 'totally awesome - the best card you've ever made!' Praise indeed!!

Back tomorrow with another of Ben's birthday cards - from his big sister. Until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up Supplies:

Stamps: Make a Wish

Cardstock: Real Red, Basic Black, Daffodil Delight, Whisper White, Basic Grey, Crumb Cake

Ink: Real Red

Tools: Pop 'n' Cuts Base, Pop 'n' Cuts Dress Form, Big Shot, Stamp-a-ma-jig, Small Oval Punch, 1 1/4" Circle Punch, 1 3/4" Circle Punch, Itty Bitty Shapes Punch (circle), Corner Punch





Angry Birds Spiral Pop-Up Birthday Card

by Joanne James27. July 2013 20:23

Today I have a very special card to share with you. As my regular blog followers are aware, my soon-to-be six year old son and his friends are Angry Bird mad; I swear if we didn't ration access to all touch devices in our house he would turn into one of those little feathered creatures!! Anyway, a friend of his celebrates his birthday today and in addition to the card I made from us, which I will share with you another time, his Mum also asked me if I would make him a special birthday card. I saw a very simple Angry Bird pop up card by Julie Davidson a while ago which I loved (you can see Julie's card that was the inspiration for mine here), but I must confess I had something much more 'explosive' in mind. So this was the front of my card:


Lots of little pigs hiding amidst the wood and boulders, along with a box of TNT for good measure and a red Angry Bird ready for action. Open the card to reveal what happens once there's been a hit:


Birds, pigs and stars literally 'explode' out of the card. The decoration is all attached to a spiral pop-up, which is simply a large circle cut into a spiral with one end attached to each side of the card. Its really easy to do and if you made the spiral the same colour as the base card, it blends into the background and allows the birds to really 'fly'. Here's a close up of the pigs so that you can see what I mean:

I added a number 6 and some glimmer stars and used the new Simply Sketched alphabet stamps to add the 'Ready, Aim ... Fire!' and a personalised message for the recipient. It has to be said, this card was something of a 'labour of love' - creating all the birds and pigs takes an absolute age, but it was so worth it for the impact of the resulting card, which I am reliably informed was well received!

It sounds like our very own TNT explosion in the garden at the moment; the thunder and lightening is flashing and crashing as I write and whilst lawns and gardens everywhere are I'm sure benefiting from the downpour, I'm personally hoping it is just a brief interlude in the glorious weather we've been having of late.

Back tomorrow with another project; until then, happy stampin'!



Stampin' Up Supplies:

Stamps: ABC-123 Sketch Alphabet & Numbers, Woodgrain

Cardstock: Real Red, Daffodil Delight, Basic Black, Whisper White, Crumb Cake, Gumball Green, Pumpkin Pie, Basic Grey, Marina Mist, Pacific Point, Tempting Turquoise

Inks: Real Red, Pacific Point, Chocolate Chip, Basic Grey, Whisper White

Tools: 1 3/4" Circle Punch, 1 1/4" Circle Punch, 3/4" Circle Punch, Handheld Circle Punch (retired), Small Heart Punch, Full Heart Punch, Owl Punch, Itty Bitty Shapes Punch (circle), Corner Punch, Merry Minis Punch (star), Sponge Dauber, Stamp-a-ma-jig

Finishing Touches: Silver Glimmer Paper


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And when you join during Sale-A-Bration, new team members can build your starter kit by choosing £130 worth of products for only £99 + free business supplies + free shipping and either TWO Stampin' Write marker sets and the exclusive Handmade Designs stamp set OR an additional £30 in FREE products. Stampin' Up! has something for everyone: join my growing team and benefit from my support to enjoy Stampin' Up! however you choose.

If you're interested, call me for a chat to understand how I can help you realise your goals. Alternatively, if you have already decided to sign up and you just can't wait, please click here for the link to the online form where you can sign up and order your starter kit right away! 


Stampin' Up! has introduced a new range of 12x12" scrapbooking product and kit - the full range is now available to purchase online. To download a copy of the new digital Scrapbooking Catalogue click here.

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Click on the image to download your copy of the 2024-25 annual catalogue. For a full list of current SU! supplies, go to my online store. If you would like any help or advice, please drop me a line at joanne@thecraftyowl.co.uk or give me a call on 07773 421446 - I'd be happy to help.

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There are new products available exclusively in the online store from 7 January - check them out here.

About Me

Hi I'm Joanne and live in Northampton and when I'm not looking after my husband and two beautiful children, am an avid crafter with a passion for all things Stampin' Up!

I must confess that I have never been a big rubber stamper - until I discovered Stampin' Up! that is. I love the fact that I can get such great results with co-ordinating stamps, inks, papers and punches - the possibilities are endless! Join me on my stamping journey as I share the things I love and be inspired to create amazing things yourself!

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This is my personal blog and is not endorsed by Stampin’ Up! I hope you find it a plentiful source of ideas and personal inspiration but please don't copy my designs for contest submission or use for classes, publication or sale without express permission.

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Check out 3 popular designer series paper designs in fresh new colourways! Available exclusively in the online store from 3 December - check them out here