New Wednesday Weekly Deals Are Here!

by Joanne James17. June 2015 09:34

It's Wednesday and you know what that means: a new collection of Wednesday Weekly Deals! This week's deals are included below - they will be available for one week only, before a new collection of deals is announced. 

As always, if you want to take advantage of any of the deals on offer, you can support my business by placing your order online by clicking here or using the link to my store on the right hand side of my blog page where it says 'Shop Online' or with me in person. Don't forget to add the Hostess Code for June UPCSWX2C and be sure to make sure that you don't check the 'no contact' box if you'd like to be kept updated with the progress of you order and receive a little thank you in the post from me. 

Here's a summary of this week's one-week only Wednesday deals - click on each item to go to the online store to purchase:

Table built using Product Table Builder by The Crafty Owl - Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.

Another week where embossing folders dominate, however I would draw your attention to the stamp sets on offer this week: the Banner Banter set is perfect for quick cards and when paired with the co-ordinating banner punch makes light work of mass production (or equally a nice and reasonably priced birthday gift for a crafty friend!) The 'And Many More' set is one of those incredibly useful sets of sentiment staples - something in there for most occasions.

Don't forget Weekly Deals, just like Clearance Rack, can be included in your starter kit too if you are thinking of becoming a Stampin' Up! demonstrator yourself - along with this month's offer of an extra two free stamp sets when you join, there really has never been a better opportunity to get more crafty goodness for your £99 spend! If this is something you've been considering, then check out the details here or give me call for a chat about what's involved - I would love to hear from you.

Back shortly with today's creative post; meanwhile, happy shopping!



Stampin' Up! 2015 Retiring Stamps And Accessories Lists Now Available and 30% Off MDS!

by Joanne James21. April 2015 07:00

The retiring lists are here! Discover what stamps and accessories, including the 2013-15 In Colours, are retiring at the beginning of June this year. Retiring products are only available WHILE STOCKS LAST, so if you've still items on your wish list from this year's annual or spring-summer seasonal catalogues, you need to check the retiring lists and if they're on it put an order in pronto!


Please click on the links below to see the complete lists:


Retiring Stamps & Accessories - available April 21-June 2 (while stocks last)



My Digital Studio - 30 % off available April 21-June 2


Don't forget - as mentioned previously, the annual catalogue transition takes place on the earlier date of 2nd June, not 30th June as previously communicated. This means that you have just over 5 weeks left to shop from the current catalogue. Some of the items on these lists will sell out quickly and once they're gone, they're gone. So what are you waiting for? Don't delay, shop today! Click here to go straight to my online store - remember to include this month's hostess code DBJFM4DG to receive a special thank you from me. if you live in or around Northampton, I will be putting in an order this evening so if you would like to save on postage and collect your order on delivery, please email me on or phone me with your order by 6pm today.

I have a class this morning so will be back later with today's creative post; until then, happy shopping!


The New 2014-15 Stampin' Up! Annual Catalgue IS HERE!

by Joanne James1. July 2014 16:04

The wait is over - the new 2014-15 Stampin' Up! catalogue is finally here!

Click on the link below to access and download your own pdf copy of the catalogue - there will be a permanent link to the online catalogue as always in the bar on the right-hand side of the screen:

There are so many great new products - your wish list will be a long one! As always, if you're placing an online order don't forget to add the hostess code found in the 'shop online' box on the right hand side. For today only, if you place an order using the hostess code SM3CS22V you'll get a little something extra from me! Make sure you check the box that enables me to keep in touch with you - lots of customers that place orders with me online select 'no contact' as the default option and what many people don't realise is that this means I can't even contact you to update you with progress on shipment of your order or check that everything is ok - all of which are an important part of me providing you with good customer service. Besides, I like to be able to send out thank you cards too and little gifts from time to time - you wouldn't want to miss out on that would you?!

Right, I'm off to get my order in - come back tomorrow for more news and a special card that I've created using lots of new products. until then, happy stampin!


Last Day for the Spring-Summer Seasonal Catalogue and 2013 Annual Catalogue

by Joanne James30. June 2014 21:02

It's the 30th June - which sadly means the end of the 2013 annual catalogue and the Spring-Summer seasonal catalogue. So if you have anything that you would like to order today, you only have until 10pm to do so, so get in quick! It's also the last day of the 'Sign and Save' join Stampin' Up! for £50 promotion - details and sign up form in the box on the right hand side of my blog.

Me, I'm already thinking about the new! I've had my launch party for the new 2014-15 Stampin' Up! catalogue today and it was tremendous fun. I saw lots of my existing customers and got to meet some lovely new people too and I thought today I would leave you with a few photos of the day:

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported my Stampin' Up! business. Congratulations to Clare, Julie, Lorraine and Joy who were the lucky prize winners in today's raffle and to Barbara who won the door entry raffle prize - I will be in touch with you all in due course with your gifts.

Back tomorrow with lots of new catalogue loveliness - until then, happy stampin'!

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Cards | Promotions | Stampin' Up! Events | Stamping

Last Reminder: New 2014-15 Stampin' Up! Catalogue Party Tomorrow!

by Joanne James29. June 2014 21:52

I have been busy crafting all weekend and apart from dinner with friends yesterday evening, have done nothing else! I am just about to have a quiet 30 minutes before bed, so I just have a last minute reminder for you all that tomorrow is my new catalogue launch party - details below, hope to see you there!

Back tomorrow with lots of photos and a project or two for you. Until then, happy stampin'!

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Promotions | Stampin' Up! Events

A Little Something Cute ... Baby Girl Card

by Joanne James27. June 2014 10:18

Yay it's Friday - what more is there to say?! Today I have another new catalogue sneak peek to share with you, this time a cute baby card that I made using this week's sketch layout over at The Papercraft Crew (I haven't managed to play along with these guys for a while and this week's sketch layout really appealed!) and I'm also linking up with The Card Concept, where the challenge is to create a baby-themed card (mine is in the 'clean and layered' style):


I wanted to use a set from the new catalogue called 'Something for Baby' - a lovely set with lots of baby motifs; not only that, it also has a set of matching framelits - perfect! My card is in fact stacked with new product - see if you can spot it all:

Did you get it all? My card base is Crisp Cantaloupe and I then matted two of the different patterns in one of the new DSP paper packs called 'Lullaby' onto a base of Baked Brown Sugar, and used a strip of the same colour to tie them together. I stamped the central strip with the heart stamp from the 'Something to Say' stamp set to echo the hearts on the bottom panel, although you can't really see them as they are obscured by the frame. I then created a frame using my Big Shot and square framelits and stamped the second half of my sentiment in the box. The first half I stamped in a contrasting colour onto a word bubble cut out with my framelits - I cut first and stamped second, which I don't usually do but I wanted my word bubble to 'hang' the opposite way (hope that makes sense!) - another sentiment from the 'Something To Say' set. I then embellished my card with a cute Crisp Cantaloupe babygro, complete with a Calypso Coral flower, and pair of booties, all popped up on dimensionals.

Hope you like my cute little baby girl card - lots of great sneak peeks there; only 5 more days to go until the new annual catalogue is here! And only 4 more days until my 2014-15 catalogue launch party: full details here and lots more to see so do come along!

Back tomorrow with a special project; until then, happy stampin'!

Stampin' Up! Supplies Used:

* Something for Baby stamp set and co-ordinating framelits - available 1st July

* Something to Say stamp set - available 1st July

* Lullaby Designer Series Paper - available 1st July

Table built using Product Table Builder by The Crafty Owl - Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.


A Life On The Ocean Wave - Traveler Ocean Liner Card

by Joanne James20. June 2014 09:30

Yay - it's Friday! I'm not sure if I should be as happy about this as I naturally feel as I have a ton of work to do this weekend, but hey - I will at least get a cup of tea in bed to start my day as a weekend treat, so that will set me up for the day! I have a busy day today too: we cycled to school this morning, but now I have a spot of housework to do and then hairdressers, more leaflet deliveries for my new catalogue launch party, lunch, afternoon rounders game (Rebecca, not me!) then cycling home and if I'm lucky a spot of crafting before dinner - my UPS man is due today, so all being well I should have more new goodies to play with too! So it's time to show you my card: today I'm sharing another of the samples I made with the Traveler stamp set to take with me to Telford for the Stampin' Up! UK Regional Training Day that I presented at last month. This one features the ocean liner, so is perfect for linking up with the challenge over at The Card Concept, where the theme this week is all things nautical:

I'm also linking up with the team over at SUO Challenges, where their theme is Summer Time - anything from beaches, to ocean to patriotism - so I think my card will fit the bill. This stamp is my favourite in the set; here's just one of the cards that I've made with it:

For this card I've used a base of Night of Navy and stamped the World Atlas stamp in Island Indigo on a panel of the same colour. I stamped the liner in Black Stazon on a piece of Whisper White with my Circle Framelits and coloured with my aquapainter, then inset this circle behind a circle aperture in the Island Indigo layer. To finish, I cut a circle outline using two nested framelits from brushed silver cardstock, then added some mini silver brads to give the appearance of a porthole framing the liner image. A nice clean and layered card.

The front is sentiment-free as I didn't want to detract from my focal image; this also means I can stamp a sentiment on the inside of the card to suit when I'm ready to send it. This set is great for masculine cards - keep checking back as I've lots more to show you where this came from.

Right, I'm off to start ticking off the jobs - back tomorrow with another project; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up Supplies Used:

*Traveler stamp set - available 1st July 2014

Table built using Product Table Builder by The Crafty Owl - Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.


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Cards | Stamping

One Layer In-Colour Swallowtail

by Joanne James19. June 2014 11:00

Today I'm having another of those 'something old, something new' days, which is quite fitting given that my card is being entered for this week's challenge over at The Paper Players where they are celebrating their 200th challenge. I really enjoy participating in this challenge and try to make a card for it each week. I didn't manage it last week (life and birthdays got in the way!) but a quick thank you to Nance for the pick the week before for my Golden Anniversary wedding card (you can see it here if you missed it). This week, each of the designers has chosen a favourite previous challenge and designed a new card around it. I was tempted to go with LeAnne's sketch as I've loved all of the cards she has made with this layout but eventually I decided to use an existing stamp, the large Swallowtail butterfly, (although it's new to me) and combine it with the new in-colours and using Ann's challenge create a one layer card.

So without further ado, here is my card:

There isn't much you can do with this stamp that hasn't been done before, but I've seen so many lovely cards made with it I still wanted to add it to my collection. I used Shimmery White cardstock as my base layer for my card - it's thicker than Whisper White and whilst I didn't manage to get a photograph that captures the effect, it has a lovely subtle shimmer in real life that adds to the finished look. I inked my Swallowtail using the new 2014-15 in-colours, using sponge daubers to apply the ink to the stamp and working from the centre outwards. I started off with Mossy Meadow for the body and antenna, then in turn Tangelo Twist, Hello Honey, Lost Lagoon and lastly Blackberry Bliss. I stamped the butterfly off the page and finished with a simple sentiment from the 'Happy Day' set. Here's a close up of the detail of the stamp:

For a single stamp it has some great detail. There was a time I would have run a mile at a one layer card, but I've overcome my fear now and sometimes it's quite nice to have the challenge of making your stamps work hard for you, which I think they have to when you only have one layer to work with. For my European readers, who are eagerly awaiting the launch of the new catalogue on 1st July and have yet to get their hands on the new colours, what do you think - do you have a favourite yet? I think mine is going to be Blackberry Bliss - I love this deep, rich purple. Don't worry if you haven't made your mind up - you'll be seeing lots more of them in coming weeks I assure you! I'm also linking today's card up with the challenge over at Less is More where they are looking for 'off the edge one layer cards'. Congratulations to everyone over at the Paper Players this week; I haven't been around to participate in even close to all 200 challenges, but I'm looking forward to participating in the next 200!

Back tomorrow with another project; until then, happy stampin'!


Stampin' Up! Supplies Used:

*2014-16 In Colours available 1st July 2014 

Table built using Product Table Builder by The Crafty Owl - Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.





Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Cards | Stamping

Traveler Happy Birthday Trio for Pals Paper Arts

by Joanne James17. June 2014 10:25

Today's card is for this week's Pals Paper Arts challenge, where Team 2 have chosen a rather patriotic colour palette this week, with one last opportunity to use Midnight Muse before it retires at the end of the month:

I decided these colours would make a perfect masculine card and so have another sneak peek using the Traveler stamp set, coming in the new 2014 annual catalogue. Here is my card:

I stamped three of the stamps in the set - the ocean liner, the globe and the steam train - in Midnight Muse, then cropped these images and mounted them on individual mats in the same colour, followed by a larger Real Red and Midnight Muse panel. This is then overlaid on a crossways panel finished with some Real Red candy dots and lastly a sentiment stamped in Midnight Muse with one of the Itty Bitty Banners stamps and cut out with the co-ordinating framelit. I even gave the inside some star treatment with a steam train - I don't do this often enough, and even when I do I often forget to share with you: 

I really like this set, having used it so much already. Despite its 'vintage' look, it lends itself to a more modern finish too. I'm also linking my card up to Addicted to CAS where the theme this week is 'transport'. Back tomorrow with the Wednesday Deals and another card. Until then, I'm off to prepare for a private class tomorrow, get on with some admin and then hopefully squeeze in a make or two as well - happy stampin'!

Stampin' Up! Supplies Used:

*Traveler Stamp Set - available 1st July 2014.

Table built using Product Table Builder by The Crafty Owl - Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.


Stampin' Up! 2014 New Annual Catalogue Launch Party - You're Invited!

by Joanne James16. June 2014 11:11

Another Monday and the start of a new week! Lots going on in the coming weeks as far as Stampin' Up! is concerned:

  • Only 2 more weeks to purchase items from this year's retiring stamps and accessories lists - lots of items have already sold out, but you can find those items still in stock here:

Retiring stamps & Retiring Accessories

  • Join Stampin' Up! for just £50 - there are 2 more weeks left of the current 'sign up and save' recruitment promotion, where you can join Stampin' Up! for just £50 and choose a starter kit valued at £55. Read all about it here, give me a call if you'd like to chat to me about joining my team or if your decision is already made sign up here.

The biggest news of all today though is that I've finalised the details for my launch party for the new Stampin' Up! 2014 Annual Catalogue - here it is:

This is the first time that I've held a 'big bash' to launch the new catalogue and I'm very excited about it! I'm keen to spread the word locally about the benefits of Stampin' Up! and to meet more fellow experienced and would-be crafters and this will be a great opportunity for people to come along and see what Stampin' Up! is all about and learn more about hosting a party, my local card and papercrafting project classes and touch and feel lots of new product, including the new Project Life product set for scrapbookers and memory-keeping on the go.

New catalogues will be available for customers to take away on the day and there will be lots of offers and incentives for orders placed and parties booked on the day, as well as a raffle, a make and take project and lots of great new product and inspirational displays. If you live in or around Northampton, I would love you to join me.

If you're not local to me, but would like a new catalogue please call or email me with your details and I would be happy to pop one in the post to you in advance of the catalogue launch.

I will be providing lots of updates and 'sneak peeks' here and on my Facebook page over the next couple of weeks, so do stay tuned to join in the excitement of the build up to my new Stampin' Up! 2014 catalogue launch party.

Back shortly with today's creative post - until then, get the 30th June 2-6pm marked down in your diaries!


Current Promotions

Stampin Cut and Emboss

Save up to 30% off on all your favourite kits from 1 to 31 October! 

Click here to see the current kits available and order yours online today.

Join My Team

It's always a great time to join Stampin’ Up! During October you can get even more in your starter kit! New team members can get £160 worth of products for only £99 + free business supplies + free shipping + all the fun being a part of Stampin’ Up! Stampin' Up! has something for everyone: join my growing team and benefit from my support to enjoy Stampin' Up! however you choose.

If you're interested, call me for a chat to understand how I can help you realise your goals. Alternatively, if you have already decided to sign up and you just can't wait, please click here for the link to the online form where you can sign up and order your starter kit right away! 

Shop Online

Access my online shop 24 x 7, 365 days of the year:

Current October hostess code:


Shop Online


Stampin' Up! has introduced a new range of 12x12" scrapbooking product and kit - the full range is now available to purchase online. To download a copy of the new digital Scrapbooking Catalogue click here.

Mini Catalogue


'Tis The Season - the new Stampin' Up! Mini Catalogue is here! For more details and to download your copy click here

2024-25 Annual Catalogue


Click on the image to download your copy of the 2024-25 annual catalogue. For a full list of current SU! supplies, go to my online store. If you would like any help or advice, please drop me a line at or give me a call on 07773 421446 - I'd be happy to help.

Latest Kits!

Stampin Cut and Emboss

The Christmas Ornaments Kit and Card Keeper Kit are the latest kits in the online store - get yours here!

New Online Exclusives

There are new products available exclusively in the online store from 5 November - check them out here.

About Me

Hi I'm Joanne and live in Northampton and when I'm not looking after my husband and two beautiful children, am an avid crafter with a passion for all things Stampin' Up!

I must confess that I have never been a big rubber stamper - until I discovered Stampin' Up! that is. I love the fact that I can get such great results with co-ordinating stamps, inks, papers and punches - the possibilities are endless! Join me on my stamping journey as I share the things I love and be inspired to create amazing things yourself!

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Box Builder

Click the button above to use Box Buster to create your custom box design using the Envelope Punch Board!

Kits Collection Now Available!

Stampin Cut and Emboss

The new Kits Collection from Stampin' Up! is now available!

Click here to see the current kits available and order yours online today.

I Design For




Stampin' Up Stuff

This is my personal blog and is not endorsed by Stampin’ Up! I hope you find it a plentiful source of ideas and personal inspiration but please don't copy my designs for contest submission or use for classes, publication or sale without express permission.