Today I've a couple more daisy cards for you - both the same design, just using alternative colourways. Here's the first one, featuring Pool Party, Calypso Coral, Emerald Envy and Gold:
Here's the second card I created using exactly the same stamps and layout, simply changing the colour palette - this time Peekaboo Peach, Wisteria Wonder, Old Olive and Silver:
Here's the low-down on today's card:
Take A Strip Of Paper - Believe it or not, today's cards started out as a few designer series paper offcuts; literally leftovers from another project! I had been busy creating a bunch of customer thank you cards with full size cardfronts featuring the gorgeous patterns in the Delightful Daisies designer series paper packs to go out with this month's customer orders, and had a whole bunch of narrow strips leftover. I could have thrown them away - instead I used them to create the horizontal lines for my punched flower to rest on and to inspire the colour combinations for the rest of my card. Waste not, want not and all that!
Buy The Bundle - As my blog post title suggests, you could but the Daisy Punch alone - why would you though when you can get the Daisy Delight stamp set with it as a bundle with 10% off into the bargain? For me the bundle really is a no brainer: it has this lovely daisy stamp that I've used here to add detail and colour to your daisy petals and centres and it also comes with a number of other pretty florals that can be coloured or used for a tone-on-tone look as I have here to create my background. There's a couple of thank you sentiment combinations too. So many more creative possibilities and a great price point at £27.75.
Add A Gem - In addition to some ribbon, I've also added one of the new faceted gems to the centre of each of my daisies - I love the sparkle these add to a card!
Here is the visual summary of the key products used on today's project for you to pin for easy reference:
You can see all of my 'How To' summaries on my 'How To - Tips and Techniques' Pinterest board in case you've missed any.
Enjoy your day and I'll be back tomorrow with another project. Until then, happy stampin'!
Stampin' Up! Supplies Used: