by Joanne James29. May 2015 10:51Yay it's Friday! Clearly we have seen the best of the weather here in the UK this week as it is pouring down with rain here in the UK as I type. Never mind - I am tucked up indoors and want to share more widely the details of next week's Open House to celebrate the launch of the new 2015-16 Annual Catalogue, details below:

Please call me on 07773 421446 or email me with your RSVP so that I can ensure that there are enough 'make and take' packs. This event will be held at my home in Northampton - address details on RSVP. I do hope you will be able to join me!
For my lovely readers who live further afield, never fear - there will be plenty more inspiration right here in the coming days, weeks and months, so stay tuned!