Stampin' Up! UK Telford Regional Day Update - My Day!

by Joanne James18. May 2014 20:50

Apologies for no blog post yesterday - and only a late and quick one today! - but yesterday was a big day for me! I know I shared with you that I was attending the Stampin' Up! UK Regional event at the Telford International Centre yesterday, but what I didn't share was that I was actually one of the demonstrators presenting!! I had the honour of presenting a 10 minute WOW technique using one of the new stamp sets from the forthcoming new annual catalogue due out on 1st July but had been sworn to secrecy.

Unfortunately I can't share any of the presentation details or project pictures with you until the 30th May when the new catalogue moves into pre-order for us lucky SU! demos (you needed to be in the room yesterday to get the scoop on that I'm afraid!) but thought I would share a few photos from the day of my big moment. I didn't actually present until 3.30pm, so had most of the day to enjoy (or should that be get nervous?!) before heading on stage. So here I am with two other SU! demonstrators from my extended team, Vicky Wragg and Michelle Bryant, getting ready to start my technique slot:

Here's me talking through my demonstration:

And here it is live on the big screen: 

Lastly, for those of you who saw my Facebook post on Friday - here are those nails , still looking good!

Thank you to my lovely downline team members Samantha and Helen and my ultimate upline Monica Gale for these photographs (well, you just can't take photos of yourself can you?!) I may have a few more to add in due course.

I will be sharing the technique that I demonstrated and lots of the samples I made in due course, so if you couldn't attend the Telford event and would still like a sneak peek, do pop back from the 30th May to find out more - only 12 days to go!

Lastly, it wouldn't be a blog post without a creative share - so here's a photo of the lovely thank you card made using My Digital Studio that I received from Charlotte Harding, European Training and Events Facilitator and Paula Gorry, Stampin' Up! UK Business Development Manager, to thank me for sharing my creative skills and ideas at yesterday's event: 

A bright combination of Retro Fresh, washi tape and hexagons - what a lovely gesture. After all, I was sharing something I loved!

I had a super fun day with my downlines Samantha and Helen and amanged to catch up with lots of members of my extended team. As demonstrators, these events are such a great opportunity to meet new people, but also gain lots of ideas, tips and inspiration for ways in which you can build your Stampin' Up! business. Not to mention the 'sneak peeks' and new product information - there is so much fun coming your way, believe me!

If you would like to get ahead of the curve and be part of my stampin' Up! team, watch this space for some new and exciting information about joining Stampin' Up! within the next week or so - trust me, you won't want to miss it!

Lastly, I want to share this great group photo that we took of the wider team at the end of the day - it shows just how much fun was had by all!

Normal blog service should resume tomorrow; until then, happy stampin'!

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Comments (6) -

Lesley Lendon
Lesley LendonUnited Kingdom
5/19/2014 4:54:38 PM #

Great presentation!

Joanne James
Joanne James
5/19/2014 7:02:29 PM #

Thanks Lesley! It all went by so fast and I was concentrating so much on getting everything right, I didn't stop to think until I got to the end. It was a great experience though and made for a memorable day.

GlendaPUnited States
5/19/2014 6:54:03 PM #

Congratulations on this honor which you richly deserve. I'll be looking forward to seeing your posts on the 30th.

Joanne James
Joanne James
5/19/2014 7:04:56 PM #

Glenda that's so kind of you! I was absolutely thrilled to be asked - it really felt like such an honour - and it certainly made for an exciting day! Do keep an eye out for those special posts from the 30th and I'm even going to have a video tutorial of the 10 minute WOW so you'll be able to see the technique I demonstrated too.

Kathy James
Kathy JamesUnited Kingdom
5/20/2014 4:15:06 PM #

So glad the day went well. I wish I had been there to see your presentation - I hear it was awesome!!!

Joanne James
Joanne James
5/20/2014 9:20:00 PM #

Some other time Smile Next week's video tutorial will be the next best thing, I promise!

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Hi I'm Joanne and live in Northampton and when I'm not looking after my husband and two beautiful children, am an avid crafter with a passion for all things Stampin' Up!

I must confess that I have never been a big rubber stamper - until I discovered Stampin' Up! that is. I love the fact that I can get such great results with co-ordinating stamps, inks, papers and punches - the possibilities are endless! Join me on my stamping journey as I share the things I love and be inspired to create amazing things yourself!

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This is my personal blog and is not endorsed by Stampin’ Up! I hope you find it a plentiful source of ideas and personal inspiration but please don't copy my designs for contest submission or use for classes, publication or sale without express permission.

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